Consulting Services

Handshake Networking Ltd has years of experience assisting clients in the area of specialized information systems security consultancy.

We can help clients manage their network security architecture design and validation, craft organization-wide policies and guidelines, and evaluate hardware and software from in-house developers and third-party vendors.

Don’t leave your networks in a tangle.

Organizations building a network from scratch, and organizations assessing current system design will benefit from Handshake’s consultants’ expert advice and evaluation of best-practice network design and validation, including a thorough check of network architecture and firewalls. Our consultants will help you evaluate your capacity planning needs, and create detailed appliance configuration settings.

Craft a policy that works.

Handshake’s consultants have helped leading industry players write their policies, standards, guidelines, and build-documents in compliance with best-practice or other industry standards. Consultants can also help your organization update its existing standards or guidelines, without the hassle of starting from scratch.

Make sure your hardware and software will do what you want it to do.

Handshake is a wholly independent consultancy—we do not sell products or managed services. This means our advice is trustworthy: you won’t need to worry about biased advice from a self-interested party. Handshake’s consultants will test your organizations’ products for reliability, flexibility, and security risk, ensuring the money spent on products is money well-spent. We can evaluate products your organization plans to buy, or products already in use by your organization, so you can be satisfied your products will do what your third-party vendors claim they will do.

Don’t face a problem alone, let us help.

Handshake’s consultants are pleased to lend their brain-power to any situation faced by your organization—remember: two brains are better than one.